The Türkiye's Masters Aegean Region Exhibition and Project Introduction Meeting was held on December 27, 2024, at the Bornova Culture and Arts Center in İzmir.
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Within the scope of the 100th anniversary celebrations of diplomatic relations between Türkiye and Japan, “Türkiye in Miniatures: 100th Anniversary of Diplomacy in the Light of Friendship and Culture Exhibition” unites miniatures that depict Turkish cities with Japanese art lovers.
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2024 Yılı birinci dönem Somut Olmayan Kültürel Miras Taşıyıcılığı Sanatçı Tanıtma Kartı Başvurusu için 02.01.2024 - 29.02.2024 tarihleri arasında adresinden yapılabilirsiniz.
See moreGELENEĞİ KORUMAK Ebru, Minyatür, Hüsn-İ Hat Unsurlarının Koruma Eylem Plânı Çalıştayı 10-11 Ekim 2023 tarihlerinde Rami Kütüphanesinde düzenlenecek.
See moreTraditional Arts Association CRAFTİSTANBUL 4th International Handicrafts and Design Fair
See more“Anadolu’dan Zanaatlar Avrupa’dan Tasarımlar” AB Projesi için Kısa Film Çekimleri Başlıyor
See moreTraditional Arts Association, chairman of Turkey Ahmet Akcan visited the chairman of UNESCO National Commission Prof. M. Öcal Oğuz.
See moreTraditional Arts Association Commissions were Established.
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Traditional Art Association Attended the Designmonat Design Festival in Austria. | 05/29/2019
See moreThe 2020 ICH NGO Conference, organized jointly by ICHCAP and ICH NGO Forum, was held online under the title “ICH and Resilience in Crisis” between 12-13th November 2020.
See moreOpen-ended intergovernmental working group in the framework of the reflection on a broader implementation of Article 18 of the Convention
See moreA series of conferences were held under the name of Istanbul Culture Academy at the Zeytinburnu Municipality Cultural Center Conference Hall on 22-23 May 2019 by the Istanbul Cultural Ambassadors Association. These conferences were attended by local authorities, imams, representatives of non-governmental organizations, country association administrators, municipal officials and district governors who had close contact with the people of Istanbul.
See more"From Ancient Anatolian Crafts to Contemporary Designs" EU Project
See moreAnadolu El Sanatlarını Yaşatma ve Geliştirme Derneği (ANELSANDER) öncülüğünde T.C. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı Mesleki Yeterlilik Kurumu Meslek Standartları Daire Başkanlığı ile imzalanan protokol ile “Geleneksel Sanatlar ve Zanaatlar Meslek Standardı” belirleme çalışmaları başlamıştır.
See moreUNESCO Somut Olmayan Türk Kültürü Mirası Fotoğraf Yarışması Dereceye Giren Eserler İçin Tıklayınız
See moreGeleneksel Sanatlar Derneği Olağan Genel Kurul Toplantısının 23 Haziran 2022 Perşembe günü saat 10.00’da dernek merkezinde yapılmasına, yeterli yasal çoğunluk sağlanamadığı takdirde 30 Haziran 2022 Perşembe yine aynı yerde ve saatte yapılmasına, dernek genel kurul duyurusunun dernek web sitesinden yayınlanmasına karar verilmiştir.
See moreThe Traditional Arts Association (GSD), which continues to work with the aim of keeping our traditional arts alive and transferring them to future generations, will organize "Traditional Arts Workshops" in the 2019-2020 season.
See moreAssociation President Ahmet Akcan attended the Accredited Civil Society Organizations Advisory Board Meeting held at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on April 18, 2019, on behalf of the Traditional Arts Association accredited to UNESCO.
See moreGelenekten Geleceğe Film Günleri*, geleneksel sanat ve zanaatlar konulu filmleri aynı çatı altında toplayıp daha önce örneği olmayan bir film envanteri oluşturmak amacıyla yola çıktı.
In the exhibition that has been prepared with the contribution of the Traditional Arts Association, Turkish Embassy in Tokyo and Yokohama Museum of EurAsian Cultures; and with the sponsorship of Yokohama Municipality Education Bureau and Turkish Airlines, a map of Türkiye prepared by 42 artists, as well as 40 miniatures that depict 22 Turkish cities, and one of the most important contemporary artists of miniature art, the late Nusret Çolpan’s (b. 1952 - d. 2008) work titled “Tokyo”, which he was working on before his death, have been exhibited.
Zeren Tanındı Festschrift: Art and Culture of Books in the Islamic World is a gift presented to this esteemed scientist with the articles written by her colleagues, students, and friends. Thus, his contributions to the history of manuscript art will be transmitted from generation to generation. She will be happy to read the articles the Islamic manuscript art community prepared for her, which he always remembers with gratitude.
Gelenekten Geleceğe Film Günleri*, geleneksel sanat ve zanaatlar konulu filmleri aynı çatı altında toplayıp daha önce örneği olmayan bir film envanteri oluşturmak amacıyla yola çıktı.
In the exhibition that has been prepared with the contribution of the Traditional Arts Association, Turkish Embassy in Tokyo and Yokohama Museum of EurAsian Cultures; and with the sponsorship of Yokohama Municipality Education Bureau and Turkish Airlines, a map of Türkiye prepared by 42 artists, as well as 40 miniatures that depict 22 Turkish cities, and one of the most important contemporary artists of miniature art, the late Nusret Çolpan’s (b. 1952 - d. 2008) work titled “Tokyo”, which he was working on before his death, have been exhibited.